Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update! Long over due!!

I've been seriously neglecting this space so it's time for an update of sorts!

First off, a ton has happened in the past few months in terms of publications. My work has shown up in the following places:

Pin Up Perfection Coffee Table Book 2011 - full page

Retro Lovely No. 6 - two full page photos

Vicious Bettys Magazine- Issue 3, full page

Shimmy Magazine- Issue 10, Summer 2011, cover and full page photo

Pin Up Perfection Magazine- Pinups with Ink Issue May 2011, full page

Annnd it looks like I'll have an image or two in Retro Lovely's upcoming Taboo No. 3, due out in October. Exciting stuff!

Also, I will be releasing some news regarding a new studio space sometime in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!